mercredi 17 mars 2010


Salegy! Salegy! The young princess is coming back to life, is coming back from a flouted identity
Sakalava People are eating cassava in a dusty pot
The pot is hot outside
Hot like fire! Like fire! Fire!
Just like her.
Young Princess Sakalav and Douloungué the warrior !
Douloungué the warrior
Dropped his assagai to search love in a dusty pot
Outside the house
Pole pole pole pole
Slowly slowly
Take her gently
Douloungué the warrior dropped of his goyava in her garden
He grows kasava in her field
For her kids, and her ! For her kids, and her !
The whole Sakalava people are eating cassava
In a dusty pot
And my mummy says “we lived more then fifty year under colonisation, and we still eat cassava with its skin!”
Sakalava people have been beaten up,
Have been eaten up!
Whose king, whose queen is living in the ghettos
His last grand child is struggling to go to university?
Sakalave kafrine is not sterile
I said, she has young kids
Douloungué is stuck
Can’t go to work
He lost his assagai
Naked like smoke
Traffic jam is trick
Tamarin road is a track
Cause the whole sakalav people are still eating
Cassava, cassava leaves in a dusty pot
Dusty pot! U rock!
Where does the welfare money goes?
The money goes in the nike trainers, to buy love
To buy television, to buy love
Life goes on slowly slowly , but surely
That’s how a Sakalav Princess end up in shit
End up with love !
Mouramour mouramour mouramou mouramour my love
Take her gently, take it sofly mouramour,
Princess Sakalav is dreaming, is singing
“I grew up lonely, I grew up with my mum, a strong woman”
I grew up lonely, I knew I had to be a strong woman
Cause my daddy Douloungué went to chase Women
And I, Princess Sakalav is a strong young women
My life , her life are like an extraordinary planet
Sun of the night,Or night of the day
Sugar cane vibration in the snow
The sound of the wind vibration , in snowy sugar cane
Don’t believe Earth is not,
One Earth, one love
The Sun, The Earth
Our head
Mouramour mouramour
Take her gently
Life is a merry go round.

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